Regular bath vs Thera Clean bath
A regular bath mainly cleans the coat/hair and the top layer of the skin. This is similar to the way we wash our own hair and scalp. A regular bath uses products and has scrubbing involved.
A Thera Clean bath uses no products because we are not cleaning the coat/hair but rather the skin…DEEP inside the skin where problems start. This special bath uses only billions of tiny microscopic bubbles that are about one-third the size of a red blood cell and they go DEEP inside the skin. This bath can reach places and clean to a level that regular baths simply cannot!
A Thera Clean bath Deep cleans the skin…all of it…not just the surface level
How does It Do This?
While a regular bath; that the majority of pet parents know and are use to; uses products that we must lather and scrub to create friction that in turn breaks up debris on our pets coat/hair to clean them…a Thera Clean bath can do so much more…
A Thera Clean bath produces billions of microbubbles that travel deep down inside our pets skin. While they do hold air , they are very unstable and when they burst deep down inside our pets follicle, they let off a sonic wave of energy that releases bacteria/debris that is stuck on the follicle wall. Once the debris is released, it attaches itself like a magnet to other microbubbles and is carried to the surface. Now that debris (bacteria, dirt, debris, yeast, allergens, loose hair, etc) that causes skin problems in the first place , are out of your pets skin the follicles are able to breathe and get back to normal function.
As you can imagine, a regular bath that uses products cannot achieve the level of clean a Thera Clean bath can.
Thera Clean for Senior Pets
Thera Clean baths produce billions of microbubbles that are bursting deep down in your dogs skin and when they are constantly doing that with so many of them doing it at the same time, the sonic wave they all create is like a wonderful massage for your senior dogs muscles and joints.
For seniors with arthritis or hip dysplasia, that massage sensation helps promote fresh oxygenated blood to the old tired muscle tissue areas and therefore brings better circulation.
Thera Clean for Shedding
A Thera Clean bath helps dislodge old dead hair that is removed with the Thera Clean bath. Now that the skin is so much cleaner…and therefore getting healthy (Clean skin is healthy skin) the good and new hair holds on for a lot longer which reduces the shedding aspect!
Can a dog with no skin issues benefit from a Thera Clean bath?
Absolutely! Your dog may look clean to you on the outside but the Thera Clean Microbubbles will show otherwise. Thera Clean is beneficial in preventing skin problems as it is in fixing skin issues. A regular Thera Clean bath keeps your pets skin in it’s healthiest condition.
Please note proof of up to date vaccines required for Thera Clean baths